Monday, January 3, 2011

My Credit Expert - Ways to Fix Credit Problems

A lot of people, at one time or another, have probably experienced a moment when his or her credit score was not at the best that it could be. This was probably due to a bad purchasing decision, a payment due date that was overlooked, or even something that was beyond their control like an error on the report or fraud. My credit expert notes that it is definitely quite challenging to improve a credit score--it certainly is easier to lower it than to raise it. But fortunately, there are a few steps that can be taken to try to fix it in order to turn it into something that is more acceptable for businesses and will make it easier for you to be approved on loans and other financial matters.

Pay Up. The very first thing that needs to be attended to is debt, especially ones on your credit card. You need to focus your energy and resources on paying off what you owe, as this will improve your credit rating immensely.

There are a number of ways to do this. Your first option would be to pay more than the minimum amount required each month. Remember that the longer you take to repay the charges, the higher the interest rates go, which results in more debt. Another alternative you could choose is to borrow against your life insurance, as usually the interest rate on this is lower than the commercial rates. Or you could try to convince some close family or friends to loan you some money instead.

Cut Down. You have to realize that one of the possible reasons why you're in credit trouble is because you may be spending more than you can really manage to pay. Financial stability begins with you being responsible enough to make the sacrifice of cutting down on unnecessary expenses. This also means that you should minimize the number of credit cards you use. To resist temptation, only bring one credit card with you when you leave the house and whenever you are about to make a purchase, take the time to assess whether or not you really need it.

According to my credit expert, fewer records of huge amounts of debt affect your credit score positively and if you are a smart shopper there's less of a chance for you to rack up a total you can't pay off.

Get Secured. One of the main functions of a secured credit card is to help people repair their bad credit. It does this by assisting in rebuilding a solid and clean credit history. While maxing out credit cards won't help improve your credit, neither will letting it go dormant. The secured credit card gives you an opportunity to log in some purchases but will ensure that you only spend what you can immediately pay.

We really need to make an effort to keep our credit report clean so we can avoid the problems related to a poor credit rating. My credit expert and any other financial adviser can attest to how important this is. But of we are already in a fix, the steps above can help you get out of it and re-establish your credit reputation.

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